Volleyball Referee Timer

For Apple Watch

Returning to the Previous Match

When you start a new Warmup, Volleyball Referee Timer now allows you to return to the previous match, by tapping this button:

After confirming, you will be returned to the previous match, right where you left off. This is especially useful if you accidentally tap the Warmup button.

The same button will appear on the Settings screen, in case you accidentally tap the < button in the upper left corner of the screen.

Example 1: we are in set 3 of an NCAA: Women's match. If you accidentally tap the Warmup button , it will start a new match.
When you start a warmup from an existing match, you'll see the button below the pause button. If you tap this, you will be asked to confirm.
If you tap Yes, you will be returned to the exact point you left in the previous match (Set 3, in this case).

If you tap No, you will remain on the Warmup screen.

Example 2: we are still in set 3 of an NCAA: Women's match. If you accidentally tap the < button on the top-left of the screen, it will return to the Settings screen.
When you return to the Settings screen from an existing match, you'll see the button to the right of the Organization name. If you tap this, you will be asked to confirm.
If you tap Yes, you will be returned to the exact point you left in the previous match (Set 3, in this case).

If you tap No, you will remain on the Settings screen.